Noel Food Supplements
Although similar in appearance to the only other product available in the market, our cereals will be bio-fortified with natural ingredients grown locally. With the support of Namulonge research station, food values of these ingredients (details kept for confidentiality) have already been verified.
This traditional food product is widely consumed as a substitute for regular meals and energy booster, whenever available. Up to now it has only been available in two sources, namely home prepared or more commonly bought from a shop having a fridge to keep the product refrigerated.
This refreshing drink has the unique feature that it can be enjoyed both as an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink, depending on the fermentation period after production. If consumed fresh, that is, within the first week of production, it contains only traces of alcohol, typically even less than that found in medication (discussion removed for confidentiality).
This provides the people in rural area access to these delicious and nutritious foodstuffs. In fact, it is so wholesome that a growing child is able survive on one litter of this per day, as it contains protein, starches, calcium, vitamins and other essential trace elements. We have the ability to produce a long-life product that needs no refrigeration, which can be sold from the shelf. This means that it can be bought by consumers who might not always have access to cooling or refrigeration facilities, to be consumed later, as a food whilst way from home, or as an emergency food supply. This is available in several flavors. It is also a good product to use in school feeding schemes and similar projects
At NOEL we say “Let food be you medicine and medicine be your food”. Our powders on a stand-alone or carefully crafted blends are a power house of nutrients for human and animal health