Why choose organic fertilizer over chemical fertilizer?
When we view soil as a living organism, (it is and we should), we can easily see how the type of fertilizer we choose to use really matters: Chemical fertilizers, in effect, “kill” the soil while organic fertilizers improve and sustain the soil.
Chemical fertilizers provide short term results yet, in the long term, damage the soil, ground water, and our health.
Organic Fertilizers Improve Soil By:–
- Providing slow-release plant nutrients,
- Averting “run-off” and retain moisture in soil,
- Improving the condition of the soil,
- Preventing plant disease,
- Increasing nutritional content in plants, and
- Producing tastier fruits and vegetables.
So…. seems it does matter where plants get their nutrition. It’s a no-brainer, really. Go Organic, Go BiΩ Hero